Pippa Tipper - Automatic Lockable Pill Dispenser
This twenty eight compartment lockable pill dispenser can be pre-programmed to dispense medication on appropriate days and times.

Talking Ear & Forehead Thermometer
This handy, talking body temperature thermometer is designed with low vision users in mind but is useful to have in any home.

Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
This incredibly easy to use Fingertip Pulse Oximeter is a high quality monitor that checks your blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate

Pan Pickle
Pan pickles are made from food safe silicone. They can be hand-washed or placed in dishwasher like other kitchen utensils.

Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
This blood pressure monitor is perfect for measuring your blood pressure in a safe and accurate way.

Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
This Blood Pressure Monitor is designed to used on the wrist and boasts a large bold display

Plate Surrounds
Simply clipping to the side of your plate, the Plate Surround prevents food spilling off and enables you to scoop food against the surround with just one hand.